I've been saying this for years, and now I feel vindicated. When Republicans are in office, Democrats may not like it (or them). But they don't threaten to kill people, attempt to assassinate them, throw bricks through their windows, kill their cats, put wanted posters out with their vital information, create websites with crosshairs on opponents, or state that if they lose the election they will resort to Second Amendment methods. THEY TRY TO VOTE THE PERSON OUT THE NEXT TIME AROUND!!!! That's the democratic (as in democracy) way! But when Democrats hold office, the crazies on the right flood out of the woodwork. And people can argue all they want that they don't support the violence of the fringe. I don't buy that bullshit. If you KNOW that a portion of your base believes in using violence to achieve their goals, I solemnly believe it is your DUTY to advise against that. But the rhetoric in the Republican party and on Fox News (read Republican party) encourages the crazies, fires them up, gives them a target. This is unpatriotic, immoral, and just plain wrong. Republicans should be working their butts off to do what is best for this country. They should be governing while encouraging people to get out and vote for them and all the great things they've done. They should not be filibustering, refusing to govern, and saying publicly that their only goal is to make a president a one term president. It is my honest opinion that if you do not publicly denounce and discourage the crazies in your base, you bear some responsibilty for their actions.
Long Live Bone Crawford
1 day ago
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