Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Count to 10

Anger is a problem I've had since I was very young. Screaming, hitting, slamming doors were common when I was mad as a child. I've learned to handle my anger better as I've grown up, but I still get mad. And I sometimes get mad just because I'm mad, not because there's anything valid to be mad about. For that and other reasons (stress, anxiety, etc.) I'm trying acupuncture. I've had about six sessions, and I do think it's helping. I'm also taking some "hippie" herbs called Free and Easy Wanderer. But, of course, I still get mad sometimes. Right now I need to count to 10 (or maybe 5,000) to keep myself from dumping a few million fire ants on somebody's yard. I'm working on control. Breathing in and out.


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